The department of information and network technologies

The department of information and network technologies was created at the ICS faculty in 1993 as the department of optimization and information technologies.

The main activity field of the department of information and network technologies is determined by the general area of the ICS faculty work and specializations established at the faculty. The department trains highly qualified specialists in the field of applied information science in economy, applied mathematics and information science and the use and improvement of modern information technologies.

The main priorities that define the area of department works are the satisfaction of growing demand for qualified specialists in the field of data sciences, applications of information science in economy, finances, management of development, investigation and operation of computing and program complexes, which process information in computer networks, and the management of their safety.

The department participates in the realization of a multi-level system of training specialists at the faculty of information and computer science. It graduates students specializing in Applied Information Science (in economy), participates in the training of bachelors, specialists and masters in Applied Mathematics and Information Science and Fundamental Information Science and Information Technologies, within a framework of which the professors of the department give lectures on programming, statistics, methods of optimization, economics and Internet entrepreneurship.

Staff of department

Dmitry Chalyy Dmitry Chalyy
Dean, Head of the Department
Viktor Melikhovsky Viktor Melikhovsky
Dr. Sc.
Olga Lavrovskaya Olga Lavrovskaya
Associate Professor
Elena Spiridonova Elena Spiridonova
Associate Professor
Dr. Sc.
Antonina Sukhoparova Antonina Sukhoparova
Associate Professor
Aleksandr Chistyakov Aleksandr Chistyakov
Associate Professor
Nikolai Legkov Nikolai Legkov
Senior Lecturer
Natella Vasiliadi Natella Vasiliadi
Nadezhda Glazkova Nadezhda Glazkova
Ekaterina Antoshina Ekaterina Antoshina