
It is more than 30 years the Faculty of Information and Computer Science prepares highly skilled professionals in the field of computer science. The Faculty was emerged in difficult social and economic conditions when left in the past USSR. The formation of the Faculty had occurred in modern Russia. Now the Faculty is developing rapidly, constantly doing research on the edge of computer science, and following new technological trends.

The prerequisites for the creation of the Faculty


The foundation of the Faculty of Physics & Mathematics

The council of the faculty of Natural Sciences  decided to divide it into the Physics & Mathematics Faculty, and Biology one.  At the Mathematical department of the Physics & Mathematics Faculty, they created three separate departments. Being the Dean of the Physics & Mathematics faculty, P.P. Zabreiko headed the Mathematical Analysis department. Yu.S. Kolesov took charge of the Differential Equations department, and A.Yu. Levin was at the head of the Theoretical Cybernetics one. Levin’s department was responsible for the Discrete Mathematics. At the same time, V.S. Rublev, the Associate Professor of that department, was in charge of the computer division. At the time, they used the computer Odra-1204 where the primary data input-output was punch tape. Besides, such scientists as G.D. Stepanov, V.A. Sokolov, L.S. Kasarin, and  E. A. Timofeev worked at that department. A.V. Zafievsky, the future Dean of the Faculty of Information and Computer Science, was at the de partment of the Mathematical Analysis.


Yu. A. Mamatov defended his doctoral thesis on the secret subject


The creative team led by Yu. A. Mamatov, which included A.K. Karlin, V. A. Bondarenko, A. A. Korotkin, and E. A. Timofeyev performed the economic contract №107


The division of the department of the Theoretical Cybernetics

The Faculty of Mathematics council decided to divide the department of Theoretical Cybernetics into the department of Theoretical Cybernetics and the department of Operations Research & Computer Systems. Yu. Mamatov, the Doctor of Engineering Sciences, became the Head of the newly created department.

Establishing of the Faculty


The council took the decision on the establishment of the Faculty of Information and Computer Science

Classroom No. 218 of the 2nd academic building hosted a council of the Faculty of Mathematics. Notice that those years, the Faculty of Mathematics was in the 2nd academic building, and the 7th academic building did not exist. They decided to create a new division, the Faculty of Information and Computer Science. Being the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Yu. A. Mamatov enlisted the support of V. A. Melnikov, the Academician, and other prominent experts in the field of computer science.
They created the faculty for the support and development of the Yaroslavl scientific center of fundamental problems of Microelectronics and Computer Technology.
V. A. Melnikov placed the original name of the departments of the faculty. He also offered the heads of departments of the faculty:
  • Computer Architecture (V. A. Melnikov);
  • Applied Informatics (Yu. A. Mamatov);
  • System Programming (V. P. Ivannikov);
  • Data Processing Systems (G. Yu. Guskov);

 After that, the first two of the sub departments merged into one division named the "Department of Applied Informatics and Computer Architectures" (Yu. A. Mamatov)

The correspondence between the First Secretary of the Yaroslavl Regional Committee of the CPSU (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) F. I. Loshchenkov and the Minister of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the RSFSR I. F. Obraztsov

18 august

The order number 354 on the establishment of the Faculty of Information and Computer Science

The order number 354 on the establishment of the Faculty of Information and Computer Science
The Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFSR issued the order number 354 on the establishment of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science. The faculty consists of three departments:
  • System Programming under the direction of V. P. Ivannikov, the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences;
  • Data processing systems under the leadership of the Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences G. Guskov;
  • Applied informatics and Computer Architectures, under the leadership of Yuri Mamatov.

 The first dean of the faculty was A. Zafievsky. V.V. Mayorov and A. A. Korotkin were his deputies.
The first admission of students to the faculty was in 1986. It admitted 100 people divided into four groups to the Applied Mathematics major of the Mathematics faculty. The faculty separated them into two halves. One of them formed the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science, and the other half remained at the Faculty of Mathematics.


Since 1987, the Faculty was issuing an annual collection of scientific papers edited by Yu. A. Mamatov


Foundation of the DA department

The Discrete Analysis department appeared  under the leadership of V. A. Bondarenko.

Foundation of the Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR

V. A. Sokolov becomes the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs instead of Yu. Mamatov.

The academic community founded the Institute of Computer Science of the Academy of Science of the USSR in Yaroslavl based on the Department of Computer Science of the Institute of Microelectronics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. The main areas of its activity were as follows:

  • development of high-performance multi-processor computer systems;

  • research in the field of parallel programming and algorithms; 

  • development of the software for high-performance multiprocessor computer systems;

  •  development of tools for modeling structures and computing processes in high-performance multiprocessor computers;

  • development of the constrictions and technology of high-performance multi-processor computers; 

  • basic research in the application of optoelectronic methods in the design of computers; 

  • development and operation of computer-aided design (CAD) systems  design and mainframe computers.

The academic community included the Institute of Computer Engineering problems into the Department of Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Automation of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. They appointed Yu. Mamatov, the Doctor of Engineering Sciences, the organizing director of the Institute of Computer Engineering Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.


The faculty created the major subject of «Computers, Systems, Complexes and Networks»

The staff continued to implement the initial idea  of Yu. A. Mamatov. They set goals, developed algorithms, designed and manufactured the appropriate computers. Besides, they created the software for them, and trained the personnel.  Obviously, the "hardware" experts had to be present in this scheme. Unfortunately, 1989 was a year of the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, and it became meaningless to expect investments from the electronics industry. That fact partly explained the change of the major subjects at the faculty. The academic community was looking for a way different from the Faculty of Mathematics.


That year there was a single admission of students to the major subject «Software of computer facilities and the automated systems»


The department of Optimization and Information Technology appeared in the faculty under the direction of A. Zafievsky

The major subject of Applied Mathematics and Informatics moved to a baccalaureate system

V. A. Bondarenko defended his doctoral thesis on "Geometric problems of system analysis in combinatorial optimization" in the ICS RAS (the Institute of Control Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


The faculty founded the major subject of Information Systems in Economics

There was the first unbudgeted  admission of the students to that major subject. Later they transformed that major into the direction of Applied Informatics in Economics.

V.A. Sokolov becomes the Chief Editor of the digest of scientific papers of the Faculty of ICT

The faculty named the digest «Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems».

They performed the partial restoration of the major subject the Applied Mathematics


V. V. Mayorov defended his doctoral thesis on «Modeling and investigation of the role of periodic processes in the mechanisms of memory» in Keldysh Applied Mathematics Institute


E. A. Timofeev in the PSI (Program Systems Institute) of RAS defended his doctoral thesis on «Optimization of queues in computer systems»


Yu. A. Mamatov became a corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences

17 december

The tragic death of Yu. A. Mamatov


The collection of scientific works of the Faculty of ICT is becoming a full-fledged journal «Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems»

After Year 2000


There was the admission of students to the Software and Administration of Information Systems department

In 1997, students graduated from the Software of Computer Facilities and the Automated Systems department, which was the successor of the newly organized department of the faculty.

Compared with the main major, the greater bias was towards the development of both the theoretical foundations of programming and practice of constructing and operating complex computer systems. In comparison with the previous major subject, the greater emphasis was on technical aspect rather than on economical one.


P.G. Parfenov who previously served as Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs became the Dean of the Faculty of Information and Computer Science

V. A. Sokolov (the Department of Theoretical Computer Science) defended his doctoral thesis on «Modeling of distributed systems and the analysis of their semantic properties»

A. N. Morozov initiated the publication of the annual digest of scientific papers of students and graduate students of the faculty «Students Notes on Computer Science and Mathematics»

Later, in 2009, the digest began to appear titled as «Notes on Computer Science and Mathematics».


E. M. Spiridonova defended her doctoral thesis on «Main economic and statistical indicators of social development of the region: theory and practice» at the Economics Faculty of Moscow State University

E. V. Kuzmin defended his doctoral thesis on «Algorithmic properties of formal models of parallel and distributed systems» at Ailamazyan Program Systems Institute of RAS


The Faculty organized one of the largest information retrieval schools, named RuSSIR-2012


V. A. Bashkin defended his doctoral thesis on «Some methods of resource analysis of Petri nets» at the meeting of the Dissertation Council at the Doronitsyn Computing Center of RAS